Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Billboarding the Iraqi Disaster

"Why is it that we are counting and thinking about the Sudanese dead as part of a high-profile, celebrity-driven campaign to "Save Darfur," yet Iraqi deaths still go effectively uncounted, and rarely seem to provoke moral outrage, let alone public campaigns to end the killing? And why are the numbers of killed in Darfur cited without any question, while the numbers of Iraqi dead, unless pitifully low-ball figures, are instantly challenged -- or dismissed?"

In New York City giant billboard display the number dead in Darfur. Save Darfur campaigns flood universities, corporations etc. What about the Iraqi's? Why has Darfur recieved the media attention it has regarding casualities, living conditions, horror stories, while Iraq has not? Arnove makes a keen argument regarding the Iraqi Disaster.

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