Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Struggle for Justice

After chewing on the advice given by a plethora of intellectual peers and synthesizing in my own mind ideas of truth, justice, feminism, peace and conflict, I have decided to re-name my site and re-write my "anchor" piece." Justice by Truth will now be known as The Struggle for Justice. The Struggle for Justice will focus on pacifism, a basic opposition to war and violence, as an active struggle, not simply a passive resistance. Evident in the music and lyrics of hip-hop, based on the philosophy of Ghandi, specifically his principle of satyagraha, integrated into international relations by the feminist theory, an active struggle for peace is not only a valid but a potentially succesful alternative to war. Any thoughts or advice are welcome regarding the new focused journey for The Struggle for Justice.

Themes to be explored: justice, nonviolent struggle for peace, feminist theory, hip-hop, conflict and war


Vanessa said...

I don't know...I am a huge fan of peace and diplomacy. But some people just need to go. Not saying I have the right to judge who, and there is no "fair" way to determine that--it's all subjective. But not everyone will conform to peace and justice--so what happens to them? Not sure.

Truth on the Rocks said...

I think this is exactly the dangerous mindset that continues violence. Having this elitist view that "some people just need to go," is a simplistic and superficial analysis of perpetrators of violence. Before, I continue it may be fair to allow you to expand on who exactly, in your opinion are the people "who need to go," so please expand.

Vanessa said...

I said, "Not saying I have the right to judge who, and there is no "fair" way to determine that--it's all subjective."

It is simplistic and superficial to think the whole world can live in peace...given the variations in humans on countless levels.

Truth on the Rocks said...

I would have to disagree. It takes indepth and complicated analyses to develop theories and policy perscriptions that could create a more peaceful world. Neither you nor I know if for sure if the world is possible of ceasing to see violence, for neither of us will live till eternity. I do know that there is violence in this world that can be minimized and eliminated and people are working towards that right now-- look up projects like Toltson in Uganda or the work of Marlyn Waring in sub-Sahran Africa, Seeds of Peace in the Mid East etc. Forgive me, but I'd rather spend my time analyzing successful peace projects that minimized violence, short term or long term, than submit myself to the simplistic mindest of, lets just bomb the bad people.

Unknown said...

I gotta agree with Vanessa. I don't think the point she is making is simple at all. Some people have to go, but that doesn't mean that people should be allowed to kill innocent people.

Your idea of peace is too idealistic and not practical. For example, I'm all for these people trying to stop genocide in Africa, etc..., but at the same time I think we should nuke the shit out of Iran and do it soon. Diplomacy has and will fail and they "need to go."

The entire history of the world has been decided through violence, so don't forget...the house you live in is floating in a sea of blood.

Vanessa said...

the point of my comment was to open a discussion on:

what do you do with people who do not conform to peace?

I did not suggest "lets just bomb the bad people"...I really wanted to hear some responses.

But I didn't get any.

I am not trying to undermine peace and organizations that work towards it--that is beautiful--but at the same time, I ask questions.

Truth on the Rocks said...

Bombing Iran because the U.S. perceives they are dangerous, thats so simple! Let's go and kill anyone we think is dangerous! This logic reminds me of kindergarteners on a playground. Push me, I will push you back.

And using that logic, the U.S. has threatened Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and many other countries, then don't they have the right to bomb the U.S.?

Do you see the ineffectiveness of use of threat, war and violence?

Diplomacy has failed yes. But diplomacy has also been successful. Non-violence has also been successful in enacting change.

And war has failed. And even when war has been successful, lives have been lost, women have raped, children are left to starve.

The blood is still flowing my friend, and the house I live in is trying to stop it. I'd rethink your logic my friend, lest your hands be covered by blood too.

Truth on the Rocks said...

I appreciate your clarification. That is a great question and I do have answer for you that you may or may not agree with.

For those who do not conform to peace, we must ask ourselves WHY?

Let's take the Algerian independence movement against France. The Algerians lived as second class citizens. They were subject to constant discrimination, legal discrimination may I add. While other Africa countries had already ousted their colonizers, Algeria was still living in apartheid. They began to organize and bombed public areas like restaurants and clubs.

The French responded with brutal force. They began treating all Algerians with more hatred and discrimination. They quarantined them into ghettos like animals. They intimidated them with violence and threat of death.

A cycle of violence, ensued. The terrorist methods of the Algerians eventually achieved their goals. Why did they use those methods? They had no government, no army. They lived in an environment of structural violence. The system was unjust.

Had the French never colonized Algeria, Algerians would never have succumbed to terrorist acts.

Violence always occurs for a reason. Actors act for a reason, rationally and emotionally. If we can understand these reasons, we could prevent actors from acting violently.

Here is a clearer example. In Africa, guerrilla terrorist networks recruit children. These children are often starving, a drop of water away from death. Then these men come to the child, offer him water, food, companionship, a life. If we focus our energy on eliminating hunger and poverty in Africa, terrorist organizations will not have the means to operate.

My point is not as clear as I had hoped. But to leave you with a simple answer to your question: Try and understand what is causing the violence and why, look to the root cause of violence and eliminate it there. Don't treat the symptom of a disease, cure the disease for good. Hope that makes sense!

Unknown said...

You peace loving hippies end up causing more wars...I'm equal opportunity. If they want to attack the US, go for it. But they shouldn't bitch and complain when they get their asses kicked.

I'm tired of people talking about peace talks. Sometimes you have to use some force (not in all circumstances), but when you talk about Iran...they NEED to get bombed, so they know to shut up.

The threat of war and violence kept Russia and the US peaceful for half a century. But they were logical. These extremist governments are not logical, so yea...treat them like 5 year olds.

Truth on the Rocks said...

First of all please tell me how peace loving hippies cause war. I would love to hear.

Secondly, is it necessary to name call?

Your language an rhetoric, I must comment on. Get their ass kicked? Really are you sure youre not 5 years old?

As for your comparison to the Cold War, I'm glad you brought that up. According to you, the Soviets are rational and the Arabs are not, huh? I'd be careful what you said my friend because that is flat out racist. To label one group of people as rational the other as illogical, well I'd say you have a racist, bigotted view of humanity.

There is also so much I could say about your comparison to the wars the U.S. fight today than with the Cold War against the Soviets. How can you compare the two? Different world orders, different contexts, different environments. The world is changing, new technologies, increase in globalization, etc. You can't compare the two. Just can't. Not that simple. Don't hurt your head thinking about it too much though, wouldnt want you to kill the few brain cells you got left.

I apologize for any harshness. I wish you the best of luck in finding peace and love in your life.

Unknown said...

I was going to respond to that, but I realized you're a moron. When you learn that Iranians are not Arabs, then come talk to me.

Truth on the Rocks said...

Thats an easy way out. I know that Persians are not Arabs. Mistake I was writing fast.

You wanna try and respond now or are you satisfied wih name calling?

Truth on the Rocks said...

And by the way an ad hominem attack is a fallacy in logic.

Unknown said...

Forget the name calling...I just believe that some things are better solved through violence. I said peace loving hippies will cause more wars because (when it comes to Iran...that's all I'm referring to right now) they don't want peace. By the way...I'm Middle Eastern.

People need to realize that the Persian government doesn't want peace. I'm tired of this politically correct bullshit and false diplomacy. They are using people like you to allow them to mask their true intentions behind "peace talks" so they can kill more time until they get nuclear weapons.

Unknown said...

By the way...I'm not a racist but I do believe in racial profiling. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...IT"S A DUCK!!!!

Vanessa said...

there are many different breeds of ducks in the world...and within breeds, many colors and varieties.

Truth on the Rocks said...

I have two responses. One, I still maintain that by bombing Iran the U.S. is endangering her security and innocent lives will be lost.

Secondly, we must analyze why Iran is threatening the U.S. Could it be that the CIA assisinated the democratically elected Shah who wanted to privatize the oil? Could it be that Iran feels there is a double standard when the U.S. and other nation-states are allowed nuclear technology but others are not?

By taking the time to analyze why Iran is threatening the U.S. is difficult and not pleasant but by doing so, policy CAN be developed that is not so simple as "bombing the hell out of them."

As for racial profiling, no. Are you kidding? Looks like a duck it is a duck? I think our government could come up with better security measures than to simply target people based on the color of their skin. Seriously.

Vanessa said...

...as for the "democratically elected Shah"

my family is from Iran...and there ain't no democracy there

Truth on the Rocks said...

I'm referring to Mosadegh not Kohemini.

Buddha said...

Yeah so I'm digging the new name and theme.
And I'll just say, without idealist thought, everything would stay status quo. I say, FUCK status quo, and unfuck the world.